231022 96k 0 Btrieve Commander v1.00.152. Copyright (C) 2023 Brian Havard. A Btrieve file browser / editor. Currently in deveopment. Prerequisites: an appropriate Btrieve record manager installed and working. Btrieve version 6.0 or higher required for full functionality. Data dictionary files (DDFs) that describe the files you want to access.
231022 5504k 0 DB Browser for SQLite v3.12.99 r2 port for ArcaOS and OS/2. SQLite Database Browser is a visual tool used to create, design and edit database files compatible with SQLite. DB Browser for SQLite is a high quality, visual, open source tool to create, design, and edit database files compatible with SQLite. Compiled now with Qt v5.15.2 GA. The port was done by: Elbert Pol aka TeLLie.
230427 2283k 0 TEXTBUCH 4.52 for eCS and OS/2. "TEXTBUCH" ('text book') is a double entry book keeping program (accounting program) only in german language. The input are text files and the program generates text files containing the annual closing and statements of accounts. The way how this job is done can be determined by using a powerful scripting language which enables scripts which are indepenent from accout numbers. A resource editor for generating specific dialog forms enables you very specific adaptions. The graphical environment of the program with integrated editors and settings notebook helps the user editing the input files and locating wrong entries. Dr. Vieregg PC Software. WarpIN archive.