230311 16M 0 QXmlEdit version 0.9.18 port for OS/2 and eComStation. Copyright (c) 2007-2018 Luca Bellonda. QXmlEdit is a simple XML files editor. It is very simple and it lacks some features like explicit namespaces support, but it has some peculiarites. It is not a textual editor, but it is tree control based, so it is impossible to generate some XML syntax errors, like missing or misplaced closing tag. This advantage is more and more important with the growing of the XML file size. Requires klibc 0.6.6 or better, GCC4Core 1.2.2 or better, Qt4 v4.7.3 or better. The port was done by: Elbert Pol aka TeLLie.
230216 1213k 0 eFTE/2, Version 1.1. Copyright 2009-2023 by Gregg Young. Copyright 2008-2009 by eFTE SF Group. Copyright 1994-1998 by Marko Macek. All rights reserved. Enhanced Folding Text Editor 2. Has a VIO and a PM version. Includes templates and highlighting for numerous tile types. The eFTE2 source code is available on netlabs. This is the first version of eFTE/2. It is based on eFTE which in turn is based on FTE (Folding Text Editor).
220407 4106k 0 netlabs.org EPM Distribution (NEPMD) version 1.24. Copyright (c) netlabs.org EPM Distribution Project 2002-2022. Copyright (c) IBM Corporation 1989, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996. NEPMD is an add-on for EPM, the Enhanced Editor of OS/2. Comprehensive add-on package for EPM, the Enhanced Editor of OS/2. The netlabs.org EPM Distribution enhances EPM with new features and countless bug fixes. It simplifies configuration significantly, without requiring recompilation. The documentation is still at version 1.00. Therefore many features are undocumentated and also some configuration items don't apply anymore. Author: Andreas Schnellbacher. WarpIN archive.