230514 15M 0 NetRexx 4.05 Beta. NetRexx is a general-purpose programming language inspired by two very different programming languages, Rexx and Java. It is designed for people, not computers. In this respect it follows Rexx closely, with many of the concepts and most of the syntax taken directly from Rexx or its object-oriented version, Object Rexx. From Java it derives static typing, binary arithmetic, the object model, and exception handling. "A smart language designed for real people, and vice versa." Originally a product from the IBM Hursley Software Lab, NetRexx has always been free software and is free and open source since June 11th, 2011. It is the first alternative language for the Java Virtual Machine (JVM).
221025 1000k 0 Regina Rexx Interpreter Version 3.9.4 for DOS. Port of Regina Rexx interpreter with SAA Rexx API support. OS/2 version. An implementation of the the ANSI Standard REXX Programming Language, available for most operating systems. Freeware.
221025 2591k 0 Regina Rexx Interpreter Version 3.9.4 for OS/2. Port of Regina Rexx interpreter with SAA Rexx API support. OS/2 version. An implementation of the the ANSI Standard REXX Programming Language, available for most operating systems. Freeware.
220625 1886k 0 PPWizard version 22.148. HTML Preprocessor (also REXX & IPF etc). PPWizard is a free generic text manipulation tool which most people use as a html preprocessor. It is powerful and yet easy to use. If you know what server side includes are then you could think of ppwizard as a "super SSI". Preprocessors allow you to easily include external files (to include html files such as common html headers, footers or navigation) or perhaps to include the result of external commands or SQL queries. Documentation in HTML format. Author: Dennis Bareis
PPWHDOCO.ZIP 210623 1098k 0 PPWizard version 01.022 - Free generic preprocessor (html/rexx/ipf/inf etc). Documentation in HTML format. By Dennis Bareis
220625 174k 0 PPWizard version 22.148. HTML Preprocessor (also REXX & IPF etc). PPWizard is a free generic text manipulation tool which most people use as a html preprocessor. It is powerful and yet easy to use. If you know what server side includes are then you could think of ppwizard as a "super SSI". Preprocessors allow you to easily include external files (to include html files such as common html headers, footers or navigation) or perhaps to include the result of external commands or SQL queries. Author: Dennis Bareis.
PPWOS2.ZIP 210623 143k 0 PPWizard version 01.022 - Free generic preprocessor (html/rexx/ipf/inf etc). Generic preprocessor with specific support for HTML and rexx. Its used by e-Zine! and OS/2 supersite.